UNICEF Document

In the last 20 years, over 100 million baby girls have been beaten, tortured and killed simply because they were girls. Why aren't we hearing more about this? 100 million infants, sometimes several months old exterminated. An additional 100 million are believed to have been sex selected aborted. This number rivals all deaths in history due to all conflicts ever fought, all genocides, and even the Jewish Holocaust. Please read and share.

Slaughtering Eve
Excerpts from a UNICEF document:

According to estimates by the United Nations, up to 200 million women and girls are demographically “missing.” The euphemism hides one of the most shocking crimes against humanity. Given the biological norm of 100 new-born girls to every 103 new-born boys, millions more women should be living among us. If they are not, if they are “missing”, then they have been killed, or have died through neglect and mistreatment.

Many fall victim to gender selective abortion and infanticide (boys being preferred to girls). Others do not receive the same amount of food and medical attention as their brothers, fathers
and husbands. Others again fall prey to sexual offenders, to “honor killings” and to acid attacks.

The number of the “missing” women killed for gender-related reasons is of the same order of magnitude as the estimated 191 million human beings who have lost their lives directly or indirectly as a result of all the conflicts and wars of the 20th century-which was, with two world wars, and numerous other murderous conflicts, the most violent period in human history so far.

A sustained demographic “deficit” of 100-200 million women implies that each year 1.5-3 million girls and women are killed through gender related violence. In comparison: each year some 2.8 million people die of AIDS, 1.27 million of malaria. Or, put in the most horrible terms, violence against women, causes every 2-4 years of a mountain of corpses equal to the Jewish Holocaust.

For each girl and woman killed by mankind, there are scores who are physically or psychologically wounded, if not maimed for life.

We are confronted by the slaughter of Eve, a systematic gendercide of tragic proportions. While the facts are known and the figures easily available in United Nations and other dedicated publications, the issue has not sunk in and, consequently, it is not given remotely the attention it deserves.

There cannot be any room for complacency in the face of slaughter, maiming, rape and degradation of women. We cannot live with it. We cannot close our eyes to it. We cannot hope that it will
simply go away. We must act. Now.

Theodor H. Winkler
Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces

Source: Theodor H. Winkler, "Slaughtering Eve The Hidden Gendercide," Women in an Insecure World, Executive Summary, Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces, Geneva, 2005, pp. 1-3.

Read the full document here:

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